It is the application taking into account the environment in the construction of cities has been shown that the pilgrims what 's determination to build a city commissioned anumber of doctors to choose the subject of the city Fbgesoa until they found him on thecity , which was named the "Wasit" site, and described his site as a " more satisfactory from your position this (Kufa) in Khvov wind and the nose of the wilderness, "and it was the commandment of pilgrims that the choice of location on the bank of the river, and when the team found the right place told the president that he went there to shreds in this spot , " and attracting and retaining skilled night is the Astazb rivers and they continued her food and her drink , "then raised his report to the pilgrims was built Wasit[1] .
When built Hasan ibn al-Nu'man Ghassani -wala Afriqih- Tunis Choose the place in its air site "of the healthiest African country 's air," close to the water and fertile land later became the "connected farms" and gardens green bay [2] .
When the determination of Al - Mansour to build Baghdad summoned several of those who inhabited parts , "he asked them for Moadahm and how they are in the heat and cold, rain and mud and bugs and vermin told him all of them , including him . " [3] , andthen settled on the position of Baghdad, described by geographers later that they "have no match in all over the world and Capra capacity, and architecture and a multitude ofwaters, and health, and air . " [4] , and that it is alone among the cities in many otherthings," ok its air and the sweetness of its water and cold shadows and Oviaiha and mild summers and winters and health Rabieha and Khrifaa " [5] .
Then , when the grandson of his son Billah was forced to build Samarra Choose a place as well, but it did not last as the capital only a little while, but who grew up in Samarra was laser Baghdad, as it came in a letter written by Prince Abbasi Abdullah bin Moataz al - Samarrai of origin, to his friend Baghdadi as saying: "as (Samarra) , although Ajafit lass residential, and Habiba resting place, our planet awake, faces naked [6] , and Hbbaaha core, Nasimha perfumed, and soil Ozfr, the day the day after, and the night is magic, and their food Hennee, and her drink esophagus, not Kpldtkm ( Baghdad) dirty sky, Alomdh water, air, faces dust, soil Tell A and discharged clay and soil Srgen, and the walls we visit, and Chrenha July [7] , how many of its sun from burning, and in the shadow of therace ... " [8] .
When Idris II wanted in Morocco to build the city he has "sent his minister Amir bin Musab al- Azdi attend his subject builds the city that he wanted, penetrated those parts ,and toured in those bodies tested earths and water until he arrived to examine thecrusty, and found the expanse of land and moderation and frequent water Vojbh what he saw of it . " [9] .
When Saladin chose the site create his castle in Egypt, the environmental envelope -To the vicinity of military circumstance and Alomna- of selection factors, the Maqrizi reported that he "hung meat in Cairo altering after day and night, commented the flesh of another animal in the position of the castle has not changed only two days and two nights after , then ordered the establishment of the castle there . " [10] .
3 - contemporary research reveals the secrets of minutes and Islamic cities
It was the Islamic city attributes in hot and desert areas " to follow the solution traditional compact", ie the convergence of the city 's buildings so that the clump and lined and Taatlasq "to prevent exposure façades unnecessarily weather conditions such as direct sunlight and sirocco - laden sand that leads to raise the temperature inside thebuildings . " [11 ] .
As well as "The streets guidance from notable attempts in the planning of resistance toweathering, it is cities that drew large main streets from north to south so that they are perpendicular with apparent movement of the sun, and this is what makes the streets gaining a shadow throughout the day, in addition to acquiring norther help continued coldness longer possible because of the high shading ratio in these streets, this phenomenon manifested itself in the finest examples in Cairo, and went on this planning cities of Upper Egypt, as well as the cities of the hot areas of the Islamic world, and perhaps the streets of the remaining city of Diriyah trends confirm this fact; Most ofthem do not especially main streets heading towards the north. In cold areas , thestreets take a form inversely, Vaiglb on trends east - west direction to acquire as much of the sun throughout the day, but avoid the northern and northwestern winds blowing throughout the year . " [12] .
In addition, it has " the streets were and lanes are planning zigzagging narrow because the houses, palaces and public buildings including yards and gardens receive the sun and the air from the interior courtyards that does not make them need a spacious street, Vaguetsr breadth of what meets the demands of traffic and Do street vendors and Ruahhm. As Ptarjh and narrow spaces provides a shady, allows storage of moist air at night so that any virgin during hours of extreme heat cushion of air temperature on thecontrary Straight Street broad contemporary European Kalpolvar which T_ha wind ,morning and evening . " [13] . While " the covered markets (shaded) were often straight, so that the roof provides shade and reduces the arrival of dust" [14] .
The excellence of the Islamic city of narrow winding streets and houses with interior courtyards allowed the movement of air through the openings and entrances to buildings from the most Tzlela narrow streets (high pressure) to the inner courtyards sunny (low pressure), especially during periods of noon and exposure to sunlight. Measurements made inside the house Suhaimi courtyard in Cairo Islamic has made it clear that in themorning period to be air movement predominant coming from the southern entrance to the house on the ground floor, which opens on the warm yellow path, and moves the air across the entrance to the inner courtyard and then to Altakhtboh then the background of modern Steering Navy, this air movement created by the variation in temperature and wind speed reaches a maximum in Altakhtboh during daylight hours. In other measurements were in the house of Sennari district of Sayeda Zeinab , Cairo, it turns out that the wind speed due to air pressure difference and heat multiplied throughout itslong narrow entrance corridor, which opens on the lane "mung" Steering marine and leads to the inner courtyard of the southern side [15] .
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